
my musings along the way . . .

The end of the world is nigh. Or is it?

“Like the current pandemic, based on the science, the collapse of western civilization is now basically a certainty. Each of the four points above show that it is a physical impossibility for civilization to continue as it is. So it’s not a case of “if” but “when” and, if you like “how fast” and “how hard”. The collapse in fact may have already started. The current pandemic may prove to be the ‘black swan event’ (the term researchers use for the harbinger of a societal collapse). The point is not to despair, but to prepare. You may have no control over the unfolding of global events, but you do have control over how you live your life, the choices you make each day, and the things you invest your time and energy into. Its the things we each do today that determine what tomorrow will be like. So the onus is on each of us to do what we can to make the best future we can.”
